Our team has received reports that consumers are being called from (386) 251-5096 without consent.
If you have received unwanted calls from (386) 251-5096 then report this caller.
We will do our best to notify and stop the caller from calling you.
It’s simple. You fill out a report on our website about the telemarketer that is harassing you. We will investigate the phone number to determine if we can stop the calls.
As a consumer protection firm, we use the telephone consumer protection laws to stop telemarketers from harassing you.
You fill out the report and we will do the rest.
Once you report the calls to us, we start tracking down the telemarketer using our proprietary tools and systems.
We may file a cease and desist letter or a formal complaint against the telemarketer to get the calls stopped.
As a consumer protection firm, we use the telephone consumer protection laws to stop telemarketers from harassing you.
As a consumer protection law firm, we offer our services at no out of pocket cost to you, the consumer.
After we stop the telemarketer from calling you, we claim our attorney’s fees from the telemarketer.
There is no out of pocket cost to you for our services and we do all the work for you.
The phone number (386) 251-5096 is a known spam number that has been used to make unsolicited calls to consumers. The callers often said they are from Trooper Assistance. Consumers who receive calls from this number should hang up immediately and report the call to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).
The phone number (386) 251-5096 has been reported to the FTC by over 1,000 consumers. The complaints allege that the calls are often aggressive and harassing, and that the callers often use misleading or deceptive information.
In addition to the FTC complaints, there are also numerous reports of this number on other websites, such as Google Reviews and Ripoff Report. These reports corroborate the FTC complaints, and they also include additional details about the calls. For example, some consumers have reported that the callers have pretended to be from the government or from a legitimate business.
“The caller was very aggressive and they informed me they are from Trooper Assistance.” – John Smith
“The caller kept calling mutiple times.” – Jane Doe
According to the FTC complaints, the phone number (386) 251-5096 is making over 10,000 calls per month. This means that the callers are reaching a significant number of consumers.
Consumers who receive a call from the phone number (386) 251-5096 should hang up immediately. They should not provide any personal information to the caller, and they should not click on any links that the caller sends them.
Consumers who are concerned about the calls should report them to the FTC. They can do this online at ftc.gov/complaint or by calling 1-877-FTC-HELP.
The phone number (386) 251-5096 is a known spam number that has been used to make unsolicited calls to consumers. The calls are often aggressive and harassing, and they often include misleading or deceptive information. Consumers who receive calls from this number should hang up immediately and report the call to the FTC.