Our team has received reports that consumers are being called from (877) 290-1666 without consent.
If you have received unwanted calls from (877) 290-1666 then report this caller.
We will do our best to notify and stop the caller from calling you.
It’s simple. You fill out a report on our website about the telemarketer that is harassing you. We will investigate the phone number to determine if we can stop the calls.
As a consumer protection firm, we use the telephone consumer protection laws to stop telemarketers from harassing you.
You fill out the report and we will do the rest.
Once you report the calls to us, we start tracking down the telemarketer using our proprietary tools and systems.
We may file a cease and desist letter or a formal complaint against the telemarketer to get the calls stopped.
As a consumer protection firm, we use the telephone consumer protection laws to stop telemarketers from harassing you.
As a consumer protection law firm, we offer our services at no out of pocket cost to you, the consumer.
After we stop the telemarketer from calling you, we claim our attorney’s fees from the telemarketer.
There is no out of pocket cost to you for our services and we do all the work for you.
The phone number (877) 290-1666 is a debt collection number that has been reported by many consumers as being a nuisance and a scam. The calls are typically made from out of state and are about debts that consumers do not owe. Consumers have reported that the calls are often aggressive and harassing.
The phone number (877) 290-1666 is registered to a company called Portfolio Recovery Associates, Inc. This company is a debt collection agency that specializes in collecting debts that have been sold to them by other creditors.
The phone number (877) 290-1666 is calling you because they are trying to collect a debt that you owe. They may have purchased the debt from another creditor, or they may have been assigned the debt by the original creditor.
Many consumers have reported the phone number (877) 290-1666 to various websites and government agencies. These reports have included complaints about the calls being annoying, harassing, and even threatening. Some consumers have also reported that the calls have been made from different phone numbers, which makes it difficult to block them.
The number of complaints about the phone number (877) 290-1666 has been steadily increasing over the past few years. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), there have been over 10,000 complaints filed about this number since 2017.
The calls from the phone number (877) 290-1666 are typically about debts that consumers do not owe. The callers may claim that you owe a debt that you have already paid, or they may claim that you owe a debt that you never even incurred. They may also threaten you with legal action or wage garnishment if you do not pay the debt.
Reporting the phone number (877) 290-1666 to us will help us to track down the source of the calls and to take action to stop them. We will also share your report with other consumers and with government agencies so that they can take action as well.
“I received a call from this number and the person on the other end said that I owed a debt that I didn’t owe. They were very aggressive and threatening. I was really scared.”
“Text message from 6245 stating to call 8772901666 as they have froze my account due to fraud. Called the number and they wanted my social so I immediately hung up and checked the number. Called my bank and was told this was a scam.”
The phone number (877) 290-1666 is a debt collection number that has been reported by many consumers as being a nuisance and a scam. If you receive a call from this number, you should not answer it. You can also report the call to us or to the FTC. By reporting these calls, we can help to stop them from happening in the future.
Additional Information
In addition to the information listed above, here are some additional things to keep in mind if you receive a call from the phone number (877) 290-1666:
By following these tips, you can help to protect yourself from scams and protect your personal information.